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tv   KRON 4 Early News  KRON  March 21, 2011 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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>> will: billabongs. bonds is it today. >> darya: workers have been evacuated from then nuclear plant in japan. why they're pointing fingers at the operators of the plant. >> mark: dramatic pictures of of libya as tensions rise up for weekend of air attacks including the missile blasted leader gaddafi's residential compound. the latest as a news at 6:00 a.m. starts now. >> this is the kron 4 morning news. >> darya: it is monday, march
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21st, thank you for joining us. >> mark: more storms to come we will get to the whether a second. but we will start with hot spot on the bridge. >> george: 2 car accident in the westbound direction, re-your buena island appeare. also pullr the scene is the third vehicle, it is an owner of that third vehicle has been involved. we have not activated the metering lights but as you can see traffic is moving pretty well across the span. it is possible bridge cruise may have gotten that lane open. perhaps a little better news. better news on highway 4. all lanes are open,
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things are starting to pick up a bit already. this is usually as slow stretch from antioch to pittsburgh. it is likely this back up will reach the bypass. better news in the westbound direction all lanes have been reopened at leverage where a motorcycle crashed. if you're headed to the sierra, you are going to need chains in interstate 80 and u.s. highway 50. though portions of it has been completely shut down between kirkwood and silver lake because of the high snow levels there. let's find out more about the weather. >> james: beginning with a live picture out of santa cruz this morning, can you make that out? rain coming down heavy at times.
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we have a shot here of it coming down on our cameras. let's go to storm tracker 4. santa cruz moderate to heavy at times. the yellow is popping up in the middle of this light rain. we have modern rain coming down and said accrues, as we take a look at the bay area you can see it's hit or miss through debate. we were following a cell across san francisco on into oakland. impact in san francisco, oakland, alameda now getting a light shower activity this morning. also along the peninsula as well. along the way you will get scattered showers activities here and there appeared most of its a very light, nothing heavy. this afternoon as we get the heating of the day we may see a thunderstorm or two so be aware
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of that appeared in the sierra seeing good activity this morning. we have a chain requirements for all the main arteries. the rain is turning to snow right around 3,000 ft.. we will get a better fix on that in a minute. snow there bring the change you will need them. right now upper 40's, low 50s, mid-50s this afternoon 55 in san francisco, 57 in oakland. also 57 in set aside. 54, 55, 56 in the far east. more rain throughout the week to tuesday ok for most of the day, into wednesday more rain activity, more showers and rain for thursday, sparkles friday, maybe more sprinkle saturday and heavy rain on sunday. we will have on
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and off again rain all this week. temperatures are really getting out of the fifties because this is another series of cold storms. >> mark: topping the news at this hour seven years in the making, a couple of hours barry bonds perjury trial will start in san francisco. will tran is live with more. >> will: the trial will begin at 8:30 a.m. he is expected to pull up as he always does reagan front. there should be barricades in front, the media will be here as well as fans. it is a simple question. did he lie or not when he testified before a grand jury in 2003 when he said he never knowingly use steroids. prosecutors don't believe and they are said to prove he did knowingly use steroids. they have plenty of witnesses, 52 altogether. they
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have what they believe the strong evidence including a urine sample which showed allegedly he tested positive for steroids. what they won't have is greg anderson. his longtime friend and trainer has refused to testify in the past and went to jail for more than a year. he says this time he will not testify so that is a key component, that has been worked out several years in the making. the judge says you can't have greg anderson. without him they will have a tough time line gate bonds to steroid use. but bonds himself might be the best witness at all. they will try to prove that he should not be as productive as he was. 30 years old is when a lot of people think of retiring but his productivity increased. we will wait and see. we will have full
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coverage and about 15 minutes before court. >> mark: will check back with you. >> darya: in japan workers stranded cool the nuclear plant were evacuated today on your smoke rose. the cause of smoke is unclear, the safety agency says the operator of the complex repeatedly failed to make crucial inspections of equipment. that was in the weeks before the quake and tsunami that crippled the whole plant. earlier in the day the health ministry advised one village not to drink any tap water because of the elevated levels of iodine. radiation levels are too small to pose an immediate health risk. the state department is offering iodine as a precaution against radiation did vice them tthey have told to
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take it until there is specific word from the government to do so. >> mark: the latest out of libya, supporters are converging on airports to protect them as human shields as u.s. mint sells missiles try to stop them. this is the latest video that is caveman. the second nine a row and seat aircraft fire has been shut up in the air by libyan forces. britain has avoided its bombing. a cruise missile did destroy residential compound of gaddafi. they believed gaddafi's military is under stress. this is out of italy where british and u.s. jet
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to converge on the air base for operations. 200 libyans have are ride in sicily. let's go to just team for more on what's happening. >> reporter: the forger less than had been felled by libya will be released today. the spokesman for the turkish embassy says they were turned over to the turkish ambassador and are expected to cross the border today. libyan authorities say the journalists were captured during fighting in eastern part of the country last week. good news is they will be released today. to 6:09 a.m. the news will be right back.
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>> darya: the average price of gas in the united states has jumped again by 75 over two weeks. 765 higher than we were
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paying last year. let look around the bay. the average in san francisco $4.20, san jose $3.98, oakland $3.97. we will be right back. [ banker ] when ashley's violin teacher told her parents she was gifted, they were thrilled. she's a natural vibrato. oh. we started saving for this music camp in vermont. so i told them about some of the wells fargo online savings tools like my savings plan, which helps them set up and monitor a savings goal. until we found out that maybe her teacher uses certain terms a little bit loosely. rebecca is clearly very gifted.
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[ banker ] we decided to roll that money into ashley's college account. turns out there's seven gifted kids in ashley's class of nine. [ male announcer ] wells fargo. with you when it's time to save. ♪
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>> darya: we made it through the weekend, rough weather around the bay area. a tornado was reported in san rosa late saturday night. you see what it did here. this is the second one in three days. this time it tore through a horse rescue shelter, the high winds picked the shelter up and dropped about 10 ft. away. in a neighbor's yard. now i also brought today, to trees fell on houses sunday morning. a large redwood tree split into a crashing down on our roof into a neighbor's
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backyard. fortunately with all the damage to clean up nobody is hurt. >> mark: more storms on the way but first let's start on traffic already a hot spot. >> george: better news for the bay bridge at highway 42 hot spots already this morning, the accident that was blocking lanes has been cleared. the meter lights have already been activated about 20 minutes ahead of schedule normally turned on at 6:20 a.m. they were activated just a minute ago at 6:09 a.m. the biggest impact in the center lanes. with the meter lights on it is smooth traffic flow on the upper deck. the accident did block the lane but it has been cleared and moved off to your boy in ireland.the a bit of a back up but i don't
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expected to be a bad one. are there hot spot highway for even though the accident that caused it has been completely cleared from the freeway. not only out of the lanes but off the freeway as well. it is a lighter and easier ride through the low pass, and the westbound truck heading out toward concord, pleasant hill, 680 southbound appeare. the grape vs shut down it shut down due to ice and snow. it looks as though the rain is back in san francisco as we continue to get hammered with this in climate weather. >> james: traffic on inbound central and the james lick, you can see a lot of reflection of headlights. light showers coming
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down over the city. let's get into storm tracker 4, the wide you showing hit or miss showers from the south. let's show you where those rates are falling.r things about to pick up in daly city, from oakland down to san leandro is as well. the system is moving east. livermore high showers, out near tracy, nothing to have yet. right now a cell on 2 80 by san mateo. light shower activity scattered throughout that as you make your way north and south. the heavier showers coming out of santa cruz. pockets of moderate showers, it
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was tracking towards watsonville, and now it is going towards the city. you will be wet as a system moves overhead. worse again ago today? at about 8:00 a.m. as we head towards the noon hour we clear things up all little bit. but it will be tricky because once that sun is up we get heating of the earth, that may throw in some instability. by 5:00 p.m. mostly dry on your way home and your overnight our spirit right now in the upper 40's low 50s. things will remain unstable through the week. rain continuing between now and next weekend. >> darya: 6:20 a.m., hundreds of workers are striking, at pacific's steel and casting after the contract expired.
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jackie's the soul is life taking a look at the action. >> reporter: throughout the day they expect ford-500 workers out here400 up to 500 workers out he this morning. they have been working on the contract for the past couple weeks, months. finally friday they took about and workers decided to walk out. the contract expired last night in the got to the picket line by midnight. you could see at earlier this morning, 4:00 a.m. about a hundred workers out here, they expect to see 400 up to 500 workers out here. it is all about medical benefits, and pay. as usual medical benefits is a big sticking point. right
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now they don't know of replacement workers will come here. i can say right now, i would guess 200 of those structures are route in the streets right now. they will be out here until a contract is worked out. >> darya: when people see a strike they want to know what did they do that affects me? to the make a product debye? what do these workers provide us with? >> reporter: one of the big contractors is peter bell to. red trucks, although part. in those has a trickle-down effects. if you don't get part some places don't run that means a lack of business for folks travelling on the roads. >> mark: waiting for the opening bell, stock futures up at this hour we are looking for positive start for the trading day.
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japan market closed for national holiday. asian and european markets are up right now, crisis in libya hammer oil prices crude is over $102 a barrel. the national association of realtors releasing their home sales data. they expect a fall from january sales. wall street loves mergers and acquisitions, at&t is up 1% in pre trading as they are about to become the largest cell phone company in the united states. they're buying t mobil. right now at&t is the second-largest carrier behind verizon. now at&t will be the biggest once they get regulatory approval. we will be back as the news continues right
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it's really delicious, mom. it's not too well done?
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nope. but it is a job well done. what are you reading, sweetie? her diary. when you're done, i'd love some feedback. sure. your mom and i read that thing cover-to-cover. loved it. thanks. would you mind if i cut the lawn this weekend? only if you let me talk to your mother on the phone for hours on end. done. [ male announcer ] u-verse brings peace to the family. at&t u-verse lets you record four shows at once from any room and play them back on any tv. get u-verse tv for only $29 a month for 6 months. in the network, everyone can get along.
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>> darya: the deadly san bruno gas line explosion. they have a flawed seem wild on the pipeline similar to the one that failed in september. that failure spark this explosion that killed eight people. this discovery means there are construction problems and other parts of the 30 in. transmission line. previously the only problem area on that lane that they found was that the rupture site. a mile long patch of sludge is new northlands. it is looks like an oil sheen on top of the water. the coast guard tested the patch over the weekend found only trace amounts of petroleum. it is not believed to be from last year's mass of
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bp oil spill appeared most likely it is from river sediment. they're putting out boon to to try and help with the cleanup. >> mark: we will be back in a cleanup. >> mark: we will be back in a moment with the opening bell. lñóñ this is your captain speaking, we are fourteenth in line for takeoff. looks like it's bumper to bumper on the interstate. i gotta get to cleveland! remove your belt, your watch, your shoes. i wonder what gas costs today. seven dollars for a pillow! an extra bag costs what? i hate traffic! ♪
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[ child ] the train is now arriving. [ male announcer ] the train has arrived indeed. amtrak guest rewards members earn up to triple points this spring. details at ♪ let's see you fly now! [ laughs ] look, more frequent flyer red tape. not on my watch. let that family fly! [ tires screech ] i just wanted to use miles to take my family on vacation, but -- let me guess -- restrictions through the roof. that's right. not anymore. rapid rewards has your back. [ male announcer ] join rapid rewards and enjoy unlimited reward seats, no blackout dates, and no red tape. ♪
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>> mark: opening bell dell has been positive. mergers and acquisitions as at&t acquires t mobil. we will bring you the numbers a throughout the morning. all live look from san francisco, and alive look from tahoe. santa cruz also, a beautiful bright moon as we are pass the full moon we had that giant perigee moon. the biggest moon in 30 years. and now we're looking at another storm? >> james: we will have a series
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of storms are way, a small window between each one to dry out. saturated soil will make things difficult with trees possibly coming down but to break down three days, today scattered showers with the possibility random thunderstorms, tomorrow mostly dry and cloudy, we will build the clouds through the day. tuesday evening into wednesday, we expect the next wave of wet weather to come our way. cold, windy just like the weekend. storm tracker 4, you see the showers to the south of san francisco, on into the east bay. as we is it meant to the city we see some decent rain activity rate between daly city in south san jose. lighter showers still over oakland, continuing to move over oakland and alameda. aware ride on that section of the nimitz freeway this morning. we
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had wet weather over livermore but that is dissipating. things are drying out there just a little bit. along the peninsula hit or miss shower activity that looks like we have a light to moderate cell just north of palo alto. in the south we see the heavier rain, the heavier rain making it over watsonville with moderate showers out of that city. we are following hit or miss activity. ignore that that shouldn't be there. right now temperatures are about 49 degrees and the city. 50 in oakland, 40's and the south bay. warming up to 50 by this afternoon and watching for more changes coming our way over the next few days. here is the cloud cover and pacific bell we are watching. it should arrive tuesday night into wednesday, those heavier showers. thursday
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will be it wet 1, sprinkle some friday, saturday and heavier on sunday. we are in the wet weather pattern temperatures not out of the '50s. this is a cold system like over the weekend. we will bit strong winds, all that saturated soil. pg&e will have to try is ahead of where the heavy limbs will come down. 6:33 a.m. could morning george. >> george: an early morning accident meant early activation of the meter lights, even though the bridge is clear now, traffic is moving well. take a look at the back up. frankly it looks like old slow hand has the excuse they needed this morning to jam up your ride at the bay bridge. look at the 880 approach backed up in all of the lanes and the westbound direction the
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bridge is clear, there was an accident in the 5:00 a.m. our the block the law lane. but for over 40 minutes that has been gone. now that metering lights had been turned on you may as well forget about it. if you like to get through without a delay at the bridge that's not going to be read this morning. how way for backed up from well before the bypass now on the westbound ride. solid towards pittsburgh the scene of an earlier curring accident. there's enough traffic getting by right now we're starting to pick up slowly through the look will pass road. the rest of the ride down to pleasantville, walnut creek, 680 southbound, still no backups or delays. 580 westbound is fairly heavy through the altamont pass. your itunes in francisco still a great one although we have a wet deck because shores have been
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moving to the city this morning. public transit no problems to report. >> darya: it has been seven years in the making, in a couple of hours home run king barry bonds has his perjury trial in san francisco. will trend is live at the federal building. >> will: what's gonna happen is they're going to be a lot of people inside the federal court house. it looks like they are getting ready for now, they are a couple of barricades, police officers. this is a was a media circus. fans show barry bonds their support. it boils down to a simple question did he lie aeronaut when he testified back in 2003 before a grand jury? he said he never knowingly used steroids part. they plan to
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bring 52 witnesses, one witness that they won't have this greg anderson his childhood friend, and long term trader. he has been in jail for more than a year because he will talk about this case. he says he will talk about the case this time as well, he plans to go back to jail for as long as this trial will be. prosecutors say they have the witnesses as well as the 2003 your samples that shows that bonds was positive for steroids. he says back in 2003, he thought he rubbed flaxseed oil on his body but not the cream. and that is associated with that undetectable steer right. if he gets convicted, he probably will spend any time in jail according to legal analyst, they compared this to other cases where people were found
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guilty and they got house arrest. it is a big deal because if he is found guilty, there's a chance he will never make the hall of fame which is very important to him. if he's found not guilty according to historians his chances of making hall of fame goes way up. >> mark: the latest out of japan this morning the utility company has evacuated the workers once again after gray smoke was seen escaping from one of the reactor units. the smoke coming from the spent fuel in eacstorage. they had problems wh pressure over the weekend, the safety agency says the operator of this complex repeatedly didn't make inspection spirit the u.s. naval commander says identical bills will be allowed
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to given to american military families in japan. she wins are shifting at the nuclear power plant out of the north east. it threatens to spread radiation through the populated areas. real concerns that slightly have what higher levels of radiation could be carried down to near tokyo which is 150 south of the plant. it has a 30 minute people in it. let's go to just been. >> reporter: a picture of what will md., they are meeting right now to get a status update on what is happening in japan. they will hear it status of the
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complex, and began net short- term and long-term review of united states safety. the meeting started about a half an hour ago at about 9:00 a.m. eastern, we'll bring you any updates. >> darya: keeping our eye on wall street, stocks are poised for hire open, they are up right l 171 points. lifting by easing worries about japan's
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governor brown wants a special election to choose a bit so voters can decide if they want to extend taxes that were enacted two years ago. he has proposed deep spending cuts to close our budget deficit. the city of santa clara will take a new course of action funding for the 49ers stadium. they will decide whether to give for a half million dollars from its redevelopment fund directly to the forty-niners. that money faces been wiped away by the state government if the legislature does away with the redevelopment agencies. >> mark: are hot spot the bay bridge in the earlier accident cleared, we have met early back up at 6:43 a.m..
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[ jerry ] look at this!
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you got a state-of-the-art man-cave, but the savings account of a cave-man! hey sports fans check this out. [ beep ] oops, my bad. earn more with interestplus savings at that's new school banking, baby! ooh, 3-d! instead of earning bupkus, your savings could be earning three times the national average! three times more. go online to what's in your wallet? what's this do? [ beeping ] >> darya: >> mark: top stories barry bonds
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goes to trial today in san francisco of perjury charges fear if he is charged with lying to a federal grand jury. >> mark: u.s. military is moving to turn over control to america's allies in the collision. >> darya: more trouble at the nuclear power plant, they were evacuated after smoke coming from a reactor. that evacuation brought to a standstill some of the work to restore electricity. >> james: following willthe weather. a live picture out of
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santa cruz, a cell move through not too long ago bring in heavy downpours and appeare. in wats's not too much longer before you get a break out there. it will be here and then gone, then here and then gone. most of showers look from the golden gate bridge south. we're following some light showers earlier, heavier ones by south san francisco. that is tracking often to the bay. oakland and then should pick up for you momentarily, san leandro light to moderate rainfall holon edt.along 880. oe peninsula hit or miss showers up and down the peninsula. where
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is the rain going? 80 am this morning wide spreads showers most of light. we stand a chance from noon on, to see maybe an isolated thunderstorms here and there. by 5:00 p.m. things dryout wish me to write home. seven day forecast we expect conditions to remain unstable. storm system tuesday night into wednesday, then more on the weekend coming up. as we say don't put the number of white. 6:49 a.m. could morning george >> george: the bay bridge is a hot spot for sure, the back up into the macarthur maze. an earlier problem got the bridge off to a bad start. metering lights were activated early, after a spate of recent problems
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just west of the metering lights. they might have to fast track lanes shut down. traffic is backed up for the westbound bay bridge ride. a hot spot on highway 4, it is still jammed up in the pittsburgh from before antioch. it is backed up before the turnoff for the antioch bridge. it has kept a lot of pressure off the low passwill pr advisory in nearly morning hours that may still be the fact here. mostly for the west and of the richmond san rafael bridge. that was the only bridge under such an advisory this morning. >> mark: part of the harbour is that a cruise is reopening we
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have the latest. >> craig: the part that is open to, is that lighter portion closer to the ocean. the inner harbor is still closed. they are trying to find out how to take a break out of here, the bad weather the we had on the weekend has slowed the process the but we are showing you now is this sonar boat. they were able to attract every in the main channel of the harbor, and the remainder vote spirit it has been tricky to pull them out because of the storms. they hope to get that done soon, in the meantime they hope to find moderate money from the federal government to cover the damage. state rep was here over the weekend trying to take a look, as well as federal folks. in the meantime, the process has been slow, people have access to the
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boats to the north harbour, their rowboats under 6 ft. long able to go in and out of the harbor on a limited basis. hopefully the weather will cooperate allowing them to clear of the debris. >> darya: in the world knows, a senior miti official says there is little chance of survival for 31 men who are still trapped after mine explosion in pakistan that killed 21 people. methane gas was had bring the workers that were trying to save the man after an explosion sunday morning. it was declared dangerous two weeks ago, but the warning was ignored. when robert gates have right in russia, here is stepping off the plane. he hopes to ease worries over at
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missile defense shield and expend military the pentagon chief will meet with russian leaders. >> mark: north korea or and south korea of deadly. sucks up such a up are escalating tensions and that could trigger an unspecified deadly real retaliation. south korea sent the now i the accusations of coming near the borders. they say they have only parole that area. a >> darya: we will be back with more in a couple of minutes. a life peek at mt. tam clouds of the distance.
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>> george: a back up at the bay bridge, and two steals on this began. traffic is backed up to macarthur maze. >> darya: if you're headed up to a heavenly, or somewhere in toronto, union sheens, they had raised over the weekend as well. >> mark: watching wall street a big rebound aware one official said right now, dow was up almost 200 points. best over the 12,000 mark. everybody excited about acquisition of team mobil by at&t. >> darya: we will be back in just a couple of minutes, think you for waking up with the kron 4 and morning news. here is the shot for you. we have had some
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breaks but we are getting a bit of a break in the rain in san francisco.
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